A warning related to the naming of files
Within a file name or a path you should use only these characters when using CDendro or CooRecorder:
letters A-Z and
numbers 0-9 and
the special character "_"
A path may also start with a disc volume identification, like C: D: etcetera
Be aware that number 0 and letter O might often look the same as do lower case L and upper case i (l, I)
This matters when a person should read characters from a screen.
Use the dot character "." only at the end of an individual filename as "data1. pos", "data1.wid", "data1.rwl", "data1.fh"
E.g the name string
is a big NoNo as it both contains a dot (1.Emma) and a # inside the name which are both special characters (not A-Z, 0-9, _).
Please note that we consider also the blank character as being a special character. I use the underline character (_) inside variable names when I need space to make the code readable.
The sample name "NM 03" is not good because it has a space within it. Use instead NM_03.
Also be aware that different computer systems and programs may distinguish between lower and upper case in file names.
This matters e.g. when a group of files are developed using a Windows machine and are then copied to a Unix machine.
When it comes to compatibility with other software using Tucson format (.rwl files), then consider that the .rwl file format
does not allow for longer identifiers than 6 characters but sometimes up to 7 or 8, depending on the dating information.
If you have files on a network with special characters naming parts of the net, then best is to copy these files to
a suitable directory without complicated directory names within your machine.
Possibly you should be aware that you can often save files with special characters in path and file names using CDendro & CooRecorder.
The problems come (if they come) when you later want to open these files again.
Old program code still running. Development of these programs started around 1994 with the first copy sold in 2005.
Program code from these early days are still running in CDendro & CooRecorder.
At that time machines were slow compared with today and internal machine memory was quite limited.
These character problems touched upon here, were then not much considered.
Anyhow, we living in Sweden have usually learnt not to use our national
characters åäöÅÄÖ inside our programs, because it often makes a problem.