Download help text files for CDendro and CooRecorder

Last update 20 Nov 2013.

For information on current versions of CDendro and CooRecorder, please visit and read this site online!

The documentation for these programs needs essentially to be online as there is a constant need for documentation updates as the package changes and different aspects get refined.

This section on dendrochronology at is available as a package of html-files. You can download this help package and install it in your PC to be accessed as help from the CDendro program.

To download, the help files, click on CDendro help files, 19 MByte.
Current version is November 19 2013.

Install the help by executing the downloaded file CDendroHELP7Install_2013-11-19.exe.

You can access the help files through the Help menu command i CDendro. Of course you can as well open the files directly with your standard internet browser.

Default installation will install the "starting document" at
C:/Program Files/Cybis/dendro/index.htm

When standard installation of CDendro with Help files looks like this:
Notice the file with the name "helppath". It's content is only a line containing the path to the "top helpfile" to open, i.e. in this case: ..\dendro\index.htm

If you have installed the help files at another place, you have to update this single line!

Please notice that there is also a corresponding file in the directory where  your CooRecorder .exe file is installed.

Note: Later versions of the programs look at two alternative rows for a path. When one of the rows is correctly pointing to the "top helpfile" (or "start document") (i.e. at dendro\index.htm) then this setup should work.

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