Last update July 4 2019/LÅL
The Decadal/Tucson .rwl format is used when storing files into the ITRDB International Tree Ring Data Bank at the
University of Arizona. Files stored in this format look like this:
NM051 1757 171 114 68
NM051 1760 80 124 214 189 170 103 154 104 130 131
NM051 1770 143 163 324 467 219 147 124 108 140 117
NM051 1980 123 97 85 110 106 94 94 89 135 110
NM051 1990 72 106 98 93 123 173 999
Nmbs01 1791 60 34 39 22 20 43 67 56 141
Nmbs01 1800 260 256 440 419 268 275 272 275 174 229
Nmbs01 1870 110 137 114 98 148 152 999
nmbs05 1773 451 409 385 388 295 339 273
nmbs05 1780 166 65 373 319 407 339 369 437 246 271
nmbs05 1870 80 153 103 71 92 137 999
nmbs08 1753 434 230 294 477 257 202 238
nmbs08 1760 250 274 290 163 154 182 241 343 229 364
nmbs08 1860 104 85 82 73 99 141 147 135 127 209
nmbs08 1870 96 141 99 999
To the left there is a sample identification, i.e. more than one sample can be stored in the same file.
The second column contains a year number. Then follows up to 10 ring width values in units
of 0.01 millimeters.
Note on sample identity length:
Sample identities (e.g. NM051) stored in a Tucson decadal file (.rwl or .dec) can never be longer
than 8 characters! If a sample contains data covering the time before BC 1000 its identity can
not be longer than 7 characters.
The ITRDB specification states that the maximum length is only six characters, though many published data files
have longer identities.
Note on .rwl (Tucon) file measurement unit: .rwl files can also be written in units of 0.001 millimeters, see
CDendro/More Settings/Decadal file measurement units.
CDendro also supports writing of Heidelberg decadal format - these files have extension ".fh".
This format is often used for publications as it is a bit more slim and clean than the .rwl format.
171 114 68 80 124 214 189 170 103 154
104 130 131 143 163 324 467 219 147 124
108 140 117 88 65 87 62 105 96 120
89 135 110 72 106 98 93 123 173 0
60 34 39 22 20 43 67 56 141 260
256 440 419 268 275 272 275 174 229 254
137 114 98 148 152 0 0 0 0 0
You can save data from a collection in a decadal file as a .rwl or a .fh file
You can also create a reference curve from a big Decadal file. I.e. you can create a
normalized meanvalue file from a .rwl or .fh file. This can be done in two ways:
Either select the command Collections/Create reference curve from big decadalfile (for detrending and sum-by-stem usage see Settings/More settings)
or open the collection and then click the button "Create Mean value sample".
Open your collection file "fourfiles.fil" and write it back as a Tucson decadal/.rwl file. Save it as "fourfiles.rwl".
Close the collection file.
Note: If you have not dated your collection file, you will not be able to save it as a
Decadal file. This is because the Decadal file format demands a dating year for each ring width.
Note: Earlier versions of CDendro used the ".dec" extension for decadal file names. The default extension today is ".rwl"
to make CDendro more compatible with data from other programs. Decadal files from the ITRDB are always named with the ".rwl" extension.
Anyhow, CDendro will make no difference if your file names end with ".rwl" or with ".dec".
How to open a sample from within a decadal file?
First open the collection file.
Then double-click that member you want to open as a separate sample file.
Exercise: Opening a big decadal file as your reference and make a crossdate
One way to open up a big reference curve is to open the corresponding decadal file.
Click on "Collections/Create reference curve from big decadal file" and select the Tucson decadal file fourfiles.rwl
Note: Detrending options for this command can be set at Settings/More settings.
A new window with a summed decadal file has been opened. Click the Workbench tab to inspect the amount of data behind this mean value sample!
The table above shows the number of ring widths covering each year of the mean value sample created out of the collection.
See that this sample-window is selected as the reference!
Click on the Curve display tab to inspect the curves!
Scroll the curves window some 100 years and your screen will look as above.
This is the same curves you would have seen if you instead of using
the menu command "Collections/Create reference curve from big decadalfile" had created the sum from
the corresponding collection file with the collection button "Create mean value sample".
Note: If your curve does not look as above, check your setting for Settings/Plotting window settings/Plot curves with old times towards right.
Now open the Namdo.rwl collection by using the command Collections/Open menu for collections.../Open Tucson .rwl collection.
Then double-click on the member with MemberID "6674".
This sample is already correctly dated within the Namdo.rwl collection, so it will pop-up at its right place in relation to the reference created from fourfiles.rwl.
As all members of fourfiles.rwl and of Namdo.rwl come from the island of Nämdö or near to this island we will here see a proper
match - notice the correlation values 0.76/9.3 (corrCoef/TTest) at the bottom of the diagram above!
Now click on the Workbench tab and then click the button "Make a whole sample correlation analysis" (corresponds to the button "Make corr. analysis" on the Curve display)
to get the following report.
6674_of_F:\Program Files\Cybis\CDendro76\demo\Namdo.rwl using No detrend
compared to the reference
F:\Program Files\Cybis\CDendro76\demo\fourfiles of length 243 using No detrend Dated to 1995
Minimum overlap used when finding best match: 50
Table sorted by Mean of sliding frame algorithms (2,0,T (MeanSF)/CorrC
--Rel Over P2Yrs------ BaPi------- C84F------- BesIE------ Skel- GLK-- *MeanSF----- (year)
-year lap CorrC TTest CorrC TTest CorrC TTest CorrC TTest Chi2 GLK CorrC TTest
133 67 0.79 10.4 0.74 8.8 0.75 9.1 0.75 9.1 12.8 0.75 0.76 9.3 (1862) (as dated)
-4 63 0.33 2.8 0.38 3.2 0.36 3.0 0.22 1.7 0.9 0.56 0.32 2.7 (1999)
11 67 0.26 2.2 0.34 2.9 0.36 3.1 0.26 2.2 3.2 0.52 0.30 2.6 (1984)
92 67 0.27 2.3 0.27 2.3 0.33 2.8 0.27 2.3 0.7 0.59 0.29 2.4 (1903)
81 67 0.38 3.3 0.27 2.3 0.28 2.4 0.19 1.5 4.4 0.60 0.28 2.4 (1914)
75 67 0.30 2.6 0.29 2.4 0.30 2.5 0.22 1.9 1.0 0.59 0.28 2.3 (1920)
83 67 0.32 2.7 0.22 1.8 0.26 2.1 0.32 2.7 4.4 0.62 0.28 2.3 (1912)
188 52 0.32 2.4 0.30 2.3 0.26 1.9 0.18 1.3 5.1 0.62 0.26 1.9 (1807)
98 67 0.26 2.2 0.25 2.0 0.28 2.4 0.25 2.1 0.4 0.55 0.26 2.2 (1897)
Decadal file formats - some comments
Keep the file name extension right! If you download a decadal file via FTP from the International Tree Ring Data Bank, the
downloaded file is stored with extension .rwl CDendro will read decadal files with extension .dec or .rwl but not as .txt!
If you download through HTTP/Save target as, then the files will be saved with extension .txt if you save
them as type Text document, e.g. saved as swed305.rwl.txt You then have to remove the appended ".txt" in the filename.
If you save them as type "All Files" the file name will be written without that .txt extension!
Note: Some files at the ITRDB are stored in file formats which are a bit incompatible with normal PC files.
If you run into trouble with reading a file from the ITRDB, try to copy its content (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) it into e.g. the Notepad text
editor and save the file.
For a more thorough description of various Tucson .rwl formats, see Cybis wiki: Tucson format
There are many variants of the decadal file format.
E.g. special characters, like a dot (.) show up at places you would not predict from what you think is the original specification.
CDendro is able to read most .rwl files stored in the ITRDB, i.e. as soon as we have found a problem. the program has been updated.
I will try to here display some special cases.
Comments on this matter in CDendro code...
ITRDB data from Finland
This is a CORING .rwl file created from .cat-files