This time I will show how to set a year date on a sample.
We will also extend our three-sample reference from Bergvik to the time of today.
For this we will use measurements from a 230 year old Scotch pine where the core sample was taken in 1995 and there
is bark left at the top of the sample. This sample is named NM068A.pos
You will find it here: Nm068 files zipped Save them in your PC!
Note: In CDendro version 7.7 dated Sept 9 2013 or later, NM068 is available in a separate directory under the installation directory for CDendro.
1. First open the NM068A.pos coordinate file.
2. Click the Workbench tab and then "Set date of youngest ring" and enter 1995 into the year field as shown in the picture above. Click ok!
3. Then select "Samples/Save coordinate data as" and save the file in a separate directory to avoid overwriting the original file.
4. Then click on the button "Select as reference".