Tip:When comparing correlation values from different normalization methods like P2Yrs and BaPi:
Check that overlaps are the same!
Two curves compared. The reference is longer than the sample tested which match at offset=0.
Table sorted by P2Yrs: Proportion of last two years growth
--Rel Over P2Yrs ----** BaPi ------ (year)
-year lap CorrC TTest CorrC TTest
0 130 0.45 5.7 0.44 5.5 (1870)
Overlap for P2Yrs** is 130 with a TTest value of 5.7
For BaPi the series was not long enough to calculate it for overlap=130, so 129 was selected (not shown).
Table sorted by Baillie Pilcher Corr coeff:...
--Rel Over P2Yrs ----- BaPi -----** (year)
-year lap CorrC TTest CorrC TTest
0 129 0.48 6.2 0.44 5.5 (1870)
The longest overlap for BaPi** is 129.
When that shorter overlap was used also for P2Yrs, its TTest value increased to 6.2.
When P2Yrs is the master method (**) the maximum overlap is 130 giving a TTest value of 5.7
Though when BaPi is the master method (**) the maximum overlap is only 129 giving a TTest value of 6.2
Beware of different overlaps when comparing CC or TTest values of different normalization methods!